Search Engine


July 26, 2008

SpeedPPC™ Reviewed

SpeedPPC™ Makes PPC Marketing Fun Again…

SpeedPPC™ was built to solve your PPC Marketing problems.

As I’m sure you’re aware, this form of marketing can be particularly painful.

Do you ever face these issues?

  • Costs are too high to make a profit?
  • Quality Score is playing havoc with your bid prices?
  • Click through rates on your ads too low?
  • Minimum bids too high?
  • Landing pages don’t convert?
  • Finding what keywords are working isn’t clear enough?
  • Takes up too much of your time?

We sure did!

We knew there had to be a better way, so we set out to develop a system to solve these issues.

We started out by asking this question….

“What would our PPC campaigns look like in a perfect world?”

Meaning, if we had all the time in the world what should our campaigns look like?

You see, we already knew what we had to do to solve these common problems.

We had to provide our PPC clicks the ultimate journey of relevancy. We had to create an unbelievably strong relevancy chain between the keyword, the text ad and the landing page.

It’s really all about creating the “Anatomy of a Perfect PPC Campaign”. In this perfect anatomy:

  • Every keyword perfectly matches the ad. So the ad specifically mentions the term that the user typed in.
  • Every ad perfectly matches the landing page. So when the user clicks the ad, they feel like the information is perfectly created for them (or their original search).
  • We could then take this information and push it into our post click activities. For example, conversion tracking, email marketing, analytics etc.

Now we knew we could achieve this if we had unlimited time. We’d simply create our campaigns 1 keyword at a time.

Unfortunately, we simply didn’t have the time or patience.

We needed to develop a system that would make this happen, in an automated fashion. One that would turn hundreds of hours of work into a few minutes.

One that would allow us to roll out these ultra relevant campaigns over and over again.

So we hunted high and low to find such a system, but came up short. We knew that there was only one thing we could do to reach this PPC nirvana.

Create our own. So we did. Now you can have it too.

See how SpeedPPC™ helps solve these common problems:

· Costs too high? Solved.

· Quality Score too low? Solved.

· CTR too low? Solved.

· Minimum bids too high? Solved.

· Low conversion rates? Solved.

· Finding which keywords are working isn’t clear enough? Solved.

· All at warp speed? Solved.

To order this program you can click this link :

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